How to Take a Screenshot on a Acer Laptop 2025 [Updated]

There have been countless times when I’ve been working or browsing on my Acer laptop and stumbled upon something worth capturing. Yet, the simple act of taking a screenshot always seemed unnecessarily complicated.

It’s a basic function, right? Whether it’s for work, sharing with friends, or keeping records, being unable to swiftly and efficiently take a screenshot can disrupt the flow of what you’re doing. Not to mention the frustration when you miss capturing a fleeting moment or information.

Recognizing the universal importance of this, I decided to create a straightforward guide on how to take a screenshot on an Acer laptop. With these easy steps, you’ll never have to fumble around or miss capturing what’s on your screen again. Let’s make screen capturing a breeze!

Screenshot via Keyboard combinations


  • Open the tab screen you want to capture.
  • Press Windows key and print screen key together. This will automatically save the screenshot on your laptop, even in the lenovo laptop.
  • If this key does not work on your laptop, try clicking the FN key + WINDOWS logo key + End/print screen.
  • To View The Screenshot, go to this link.

You can find the print screen key on the top right corner of your keyboard. Baki has the abbreviated symbol PRTSC.

Although this is relatively easy, you can move forward with the next step if it does not work in your case.

Screenshot of an active window 

Here are the two easy ways, you can take a screenshot of your active window from any laptop including samsung ones.

1. Using Microsoft paint

You don’t have to install paint, but it is an inbuilt feature of windows. The only con side is that the picture becomes blurry after resizing.


  • Type and search paint from the search box and click it to open.
  • Now open the window which you want to screengrab, press the print screen key.
  • Now you can use the picture any word by clicking CTRL + V keys to paste.
  • Edit the screenshot, click on Resize or Crop, and adjust according to your convenience.
  • Now tap on File > Save.

2.Using snipping tool


  • Click NEW

  • Next, drag the mouse and create a region you want to capture, then release it.
  • Finally, save the snip.

Screenshot with robust screen recorder

Few applications allow capturing videos as well as audio.

You can take a screenshot from them.

  • First, open your Acer laptop and install Snagit.
  • Now sign in.
  • Tap on the capture button.

  • Move the cursor and drag it to take a screenshot of the screen.

  • Once done, click on the camera It will save your screenshot.

  • If required, you can edit the screenshot and save it.

Capturing a screenshot on a Acer Laptop is a child’s play if you know the right technique. This comprehensive guide aims at covered all the easiest ways in which you can take a screenshot on a Acer laptop. No matter if you an expert or a novice user, these steps are quiet easy to follow.